Gadewch i ni i gyd fod yn rhan o'r newid challenge abuse.
Ni ddylai neb fyw mewn ofn o gamdriniaeth. Digon yw digon. Gall pob un ohonom wneud ein rhan i gadw menywod a merched yn ddiogel.
This website talks about abuse towards women and girls but there’s support for all victims.

Could you help stop abuse?
Many of us have witnessed abuse happening, but it can be difficult to know how to help stop it.
You might worry about stepping in, thinking ‘what if I’ve misread the situation?’, ‘what if I make it worse?’, ‘am I putting myself at risk?’.
Intervening doesn’t have to be confrontational – there are ways to step in safely.
Find out more about safe ways you can step in.

Getting support if you experience abuse
You don’t have to deal with this alone. And it’s never your fault. Find out what support is available to help you.

Reporting violence and abuse
Whether you have experienced or witnessed abuse, you might want to report it. find out how you can report it. If you think someone is in immediate danger, call 999.

Rwyf wedi cael fy myseddu, fy hwtian, fy fflachio, fy ngham-drin yn eiriol ac yn gorfforol ac wedi cael fy stelcian, i gyd cyn fy mod yn 20. Bydd y dynion dan sylw wedi gwneud yr un peth i lawer o fenywod eraill.*
*Mae datganiadau yn ddienw i ddiogelu hunaniaeth, ond mae pob un yn seiliedig ar brofiadau go iawn
Iaith Arwyddion Prydain (BSL)
Os ydych yn ddefnyddiwr BSL, gwyliwch ein fideo Iaith Arwyddion Prydain am wybodaeth am yr ymgyrch hon a sut i gael cefnogaeth os ydych wedi profi camdriniaeth.