Beth i'w wneud pan fyddwch chi'n gweld neu'n clywed cam-drin
Mae llawer ohonom wedi gweld rhyw fath o ymddygiad difrïol a niweidiol yn erbyn menywod a merched. Ond faint ohonom sydd wedi gwybod sut i ymyrryd?
Mor aml gallwn ni edrych yn ôl ar sefyllfa a wnaeth i ni deimlo’n anghyfforddus a dymuno ein bod wedi gwneud rhywbeth.
Gallwn ni atal cam-drin trwy beidio â gadael i bobl ddianc ag ymddygiad niweidiol – waeth pa mor ‘ddibwys’ y gall ymddangos. Po fwyaf y byddant yn dianc ag ef, y mwyaf normal y daw. Mae cam-drin yn erbyn menywod a merched yn parhau. Mae merched a merched yn parhau i gael eu niweidio.
Felly beth allwn ni ei wneud?
How to step in safely
Intervening doesn’t have to be dramatic or confrontational. Even small acts of recognition and support can help stop abuse. Here are four simple ways to help you step in safely – just think STOP.
You can show your disapproval at what is going on for example, by not laughing and saying, 'I don’t think that’s funny'. Or you could be more direct, if you feel it’s safe to do so, by saying it’s unacceptable and tell them to stop.
You could tell someone in charge, like the bar staff if you’re in a pub or club, Human Resources (HR) if you’re at work, or the train guard or bus driver if you’re on public transport. You could also tell another member of the public or a passer-by and see if they’re willing to help – working together can be a safer, more effective way to intervene. It is important to check in with the victim on who they want to tell, or if they want to call the police.
You can ask the victim if they’re OK. You could capture what’s happening on your phone and ask if they want the footage to report the incident, and you could offer to help report it. You could also help others already giving support. If it’s someone you know, check in with them when they are alone and offer to help or support them to report it if they want. If you think they might be in an abusive relationship, there is expert advice on what you can do and support available online or on the National Domestic Abuse Helpline.
Sometimes what's best in the moment is creating a distraction, giving the person being targeted a chance to move away or giving others the opportunity to get help. You could strike up conversation with the victim, e.g. ask for directions, or where the next stop is on the bus, or pretend you know them. If you’re at work, you could make up an excuse to speak to them about an unrelated task. You could also try dropping something nearby or creating some other minor commotion.
If you think somebody is in immediate danger, call 999.
Profwch eich hun: sut allech chi helpu?
Edrychwch ar y senarios isod i weld sut allech chi roi'r ffyrdd yma o ymyrryd yn ddiogel ar waith.

Ymddygiad sy’n rheoli drwy orfodaeth
Mae’ch ffrind wedi mynd â’i phen yn ei phlu ers iddi gwrdd â'i phartner newydd, ac rydych chi'n meddwl ei fod e’n ei rheoli hi.

Pornograffi dial
Mae eich ffrind yn uwchlwytho lluniau noeth o'i gyn-gariad i'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol i’w brifo ac i godi cywilydd arni'n fwriadol.

Cyffwrdd digroeso
Rydych chi’n gweld dyn yn byseddu menyw mewn bar. Mae hi'n ceisio symud i ffwrdd ac mae’n amlwg ei bod yn anghyffyrddus.

Gweiddi’n frwnt
Ar y bws adref, rydych chi’n gweld dyn yn gweiddi’n frwnt ar fenyw ifanc. Mae e'n gwneud sylwadau rhywiol ac yn symud yn agos iawn ati.
Have these scenarios made you think?
If you can think of a situation when your behaviour - whether deliberate or not - has upset, embarrassed, hurt, controlled or coerced someone, be honest with yourself. It’s the first step to making a change for the better.