At the bar, you notice someone trying to talk to a woman.
He moves closer. Pressing himself up against her at the bar.
She’s trying to move away. She’s clearly uncomfortable.
As she tries to move away from him, he puts his hand up her skirt.
Think this is abuse?
Select an answer
CorrectUnwanted touching is sexual assault. This is unacceptable and a criminal offence.
WrongUnwanted touching is sexual assault. This is unacceptable and a criminal offence.
Say something
If you witness unacceptable behaviour, trust your instincts. If you feel safe to do so, speak up firmly but calmly. For instance: ‘That’s not okay’ or ‘Leave them alone.’ If you do not feel safe, there might be other ways to step in safely.
Tell someone
The bar staff and security should know how to deal with the situation safely and may remove the man from the club and report the situation if the victim wants them to.
Offer support
Supporting the victim and helping her report the incident can help stop future abuse from happening.
Provide a diversion
You could strike up a conversation and , offer to take the woman onto the dance floor, or another area of the bar. This could deter the man from continuing his abuse.
What would you do to help?
Choose one option
You could...
There are other ways to step in safely. You could…
There are other ways to step in safely. You could…
There are other ways to step in safely. You could…
Explore more scenarios?
Unwanted sexual comments
You see someone making unwanted sexual comments to a woman on the bus.
If you can think of a situation when your behaviour - whether deliberate or not - has upset, embarrassed, hurt, controlled or coerced someone, be honest with yourself. It’s the first step to making a change for the better.