Unwanted sexual comments
Unwanted sexual comments
You see someone making unwanted sexual comments to a woman on the bus…
You’re on the bus.
You’re looking out of the window, listening to some music.
Even with headphones on, you hear a voice getting louder.
You turn to have a look. You see a man talking at a woman.
He says loudly “You’re looking sexy tonight!”
She’s obviously trying to ignore him.
He gets louder. Starts commenting on her body and what she’s wearing.
She’s clearly frightened.
Think this is abuse?
Select an answer
Yes Making unwanted sexual comments is sexual harassment and could be a criminal offence.
Wrong Making unwanted sexual comments is sexual harassment and could be a criminal offence.
Say something
Firmly, but calmly, tell him to leave her alone. Trust your instincts. If you feel safe, speak up if you witness unacceptable behaviour.
Tell someone
This can be a good way to step in without putting yourself at risk. The bus driver can take steps to deal with the situation safely and report it if necessary.
Offer support
This gives the woman support and reassurance and could encourage her to report it.
Provide a diversion
Sometimes creating a distraction is enough to stop the situation. You could ask the man where the next stop is or for directions. You could also pretend you know the woman from somewhere and strike up a conversation.
What would you do to help?
Choose one option
However, if you feel at risk, you could...
Here are some other ways to step in safely.
Here are some other ways to step in safely.
Here are some other ways to step in safely.
Explore more scenarios?
Have these scenarios made you think?
If you can think of a situation when your behaviour - whether deliberate or not - has upset, embarrassed, hurt, controlled or coerced someone, be honest with yourself. It’s the first step to making a change for the better.